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A mix of engaging games and activities ensure that our outdoor sessions help to develop students’ motor skills without sacrificing the element of fun. Apart from promoting an active lifestyle, these sessions also nurture sportsmanship and co-operative behaviour.

i) Structured & Free Play

Structured outdoor sessions which are facilitated by the teacher focus on developing specific motor skills, foster team spirit, and promote fair play.


ii) Sports Skill


A highlight for the older students in our centres is the incorporation of sports into our outdoor curriculum. Every year, the focus is on one of the following sports – basketball, rugby, soccer or Frisbee.

iii) Whee!Canopus Sports Day

The hard work and training that goes into honing the skills for the selected sport culminates in our annual Sports Day at the end of the year. During this tournament, teams from our various centres come together to compete in order to get their hands on the coveted Sports Challenge Shield.

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